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16 Renford Road
Belfast Monthly Magazine (via BPC)
Belfast Monthly Magazine, The
Book-Lore: A Magazine Devoted to Old Time Literature (via BPC)
Bookman, The (via BPC)
Bookworm: An Illustrated Treasury of Old-Time Literature (via BPC)
Bradshaw's Manchester Journal (via BPC)
Chambers' Journal (via BPC)
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Arts (via BPC)
Crime Fiction Studies
Dome, The: An Illustrated Magazine and Review of Literature, Music, Architecture, and the Graphic Arts (via BPC)
Edinburgh Monthly Review (via BPC)
English Review, The (via BPC)
English Review, The (1908-1910)
Foreign and Colonial Quarterly Review, The (via BPC)
General Magazine and Impartial Review, The (via BPC)
Knight's Penny Magazine (via BPC)
Knight's Quarterly Magazine (via BPC)
Literary Lounger, The (via BPC)
London Society : a Monthly Magazine of Light and Amusing Literature for the Hours of Relaxation (via BPC)
Lounger's Miscellany : or, The Lucubrations of Abel Slug, Esq (via BPC)
Mirror Monthly Magazine, The (via BPC)
Mirror of Literature, Amusement and Instruction, The : Containing Original Essays (via BPC)
Monthly Amusement, The (via BPC)
Monthly Review, The (via BPC)
Monthly Visitor, and Entertaining Pocket Companion, The (via BPC)
Monthly Visitor, and New Family Magazine, The (via BPC)
Museum, The : or the Literary and Historical Register (via BPC)
National Review, The (via BPC)
New Century Review, The (via BPC)
New Quarterly Review, The : or Home, Foreign and Colonial Journal (via BPC)
Penny Magazine of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, The (via BPC)
Quarterly Review, The (via BPC)
Reflector, The: A Quarterly Magazine, on Subjects of Philosophy, Politics, and the Liberal Arts (via BPC)
Review of Reviews, The (via BPC)
Reynold's Miscellany of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art (via BPC)
Student, The : or, the Oxford and Cambridge Monthly Miscellany (via BPC)
Visions of Sir Heister Ryley, The : with other Entertainments (via BPC)
Weekly Entertainer, The : or, Agreeable and Instructive Repository Containing a Collection of Select Pieces, Both in Prose and Verse; Curious Anecdotes, Instructive Tales, and Ingenious Essays on Different Subjects (via BPC)